CS 371P Spring 2021: Caroline Hatcher

Caroline Hatcher
2 min readMar 7, 2021


Week of March 1 to March 7

What did you do this past week?

This week I worked on Project 2 with my partner and submitted it yesterday. I’m glad we started early on the project because it took some time to get the I/O working and the general structure of the program developed. I think creating the unit tests was the most work. I also worked on my other classes.

What’s in your way?

I have a take home midterm that will take up a good amount of this week, so I’ll need to make progress on that in the beginning of next week. I also need to organize my schedule so that I stay on top of my work. Other than those issues, this week is fairly standard. Since spring break is coming up, I think I’ll finally feel like I’ve caught up from falling behind during the freeze.

What will you do next week?

I will attend class, maybe get a head-start on the next project, and finish up some of my big assignments. I want to work harder on keeping my notes organized, so I can follow along a little bit better.

If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?

I thought it was very correlated to the Single Responsibility Principle. It made more sense to me though. My early experience in data structures involved some of these heuristics. I remember being told to make all class variables private, so it became a habit that I didn’t question.

What was your experience of arrays, iterators, and algorithms?

The concept of C++ iterators was very new to me, so I learned a lot from that lecture. I already was somewhat familiar with how you can manipulate pointers to get different information from an array.

What made you happy this week?

I was very glad to be finished with the project and that I was able to hang out with friends. I also baked some red velvet cupcakes from scratch, and it was very relaxing to follow the recipe step-by-step.

What’s your pick of the week?

Google colab is a great tool if you need access to code remotely or if you want to access to a better processor. I like being able to run chunks of code without running the entire program.



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